I will remain quiet no longer and Americans need to know. I worked on AWS systems (Amazon) and they let agencies carry out unconstitutional domestic surveillence on their customers. (self.The_Donald)

submitted   by IndomitableServant

In 2011-2012 I worked for AWS on the PDX OPS team. We were responsible for the installation and upkeep of a newly created data cluster in Boardman, OR and Umatilla, OR known internally as PDX. These datacenters are different from others in that they only hire natural born citizens mainly because hidden away in these datacenters is a section known as PDT. Amazon has these datacenters under the purview of VADATA, Inc so the public doesn't directly know its an Amazon datacenter.

The PDT section is where the government hosts are located. Within this area you're not allowed to bring in ANY outside electronic device. Doing so accidentally can bring about a felony charge that carries a 10 year sentence, purposefully doing so can be upwards of 50. The security of these datacenters was so tight they even hired an ex-CIA officer to run security.

One afternoon, while reading articles about Snowden leaks, I get a ticket of a PDT host being utulizied by the CIA that had a failed Network Interface Card (NIC). I replaced the card, loaded the firmware and got the host to assimilate to the rest of the network. To verify I fixed the issue I used a RedHat Linux command to show what other hosts the host I was working on was connected to. I had to use a special command known as "sudo" to give me temporary admin privileges to run the command.

What I got back from that command was seeing this host was connected to PRIVATE hosts. When I was first hired I was explicitly told that I should report any instance of a PDT host connecting to a PDX host as it was unconstitutional. I suspected maybe other hosts were like this and found other CIA and NSA hosts doing the same thing. I immediately reported it to the datacenter manager and he told me not to worry.

After that I noticed a lot of weird things outside of work. My phone would make odd noises when I was calling someone. Numerous occasions I had planes follow me. One time I took a walk around town and this helicopter was following me almost the entirety of my walk. I tried to be out as long as I could and the helicopter left to refeul and came back to find me. I also had someone logging into my bank account on a recurring basis. I would get a text notification everyday at 6am that someone logged into my account. I spoke with the bank IT staff and got them traceroute the request and it was coming from Langley, VA. After this the logins into my account immediately stopped.

Nevertheless my contract wasn't renewed and my career in IT has stalled since then. My suspicion is I was placed on a blacklist. I am also an unusual IT technician in that I have experience in working in DC having a lot of facetime with politicians and other powerplayers. I was in a unique position to understand the technology AND the significant political impact that this could have on the rest of America.

I can no longer sit idly by and be quiet. What I saw is a crime of the highest order and this was over six years ago. Now the datacluster has grown leaps and bounds and is much more compartmentalized. God only knows what the hell they allow now. I'm done living in fear what happened and I feel ashamed to work on technology that serves to limit and constrain all of us. I only did what I thought was true, just and patriotic and I was punished for it. Amazon is just as much of the swamp and President Trump has every reason to go after them. MAGA

45.9171076, -119.2678997

45.8510088, -119.6306892

45.841215, -119.653559


Spez: another pede, advocates4sanity, who i probably worked with had this to say.

"Yo Fam,

I worked there as well. We probably know each other. In fact, we do, I am certain of it. Pretty tight knit crew back in those days. We all hung out together. Saw the same sights. Rattlesnakes in Perdixes, yes? Drunken hijinks at the Desert River Inn?

I have one of those jackets too. Mossy Oak camo.

To all reading this story, I CAN CONFIRM EVERY LAST FUCKING WORD.

NSA hosts were unambiguously named like "nsa-data-collector-2001.pdx2.amazon.com". Aboard them were tools for terminating VPNs and hopping aboard as root on each and every server in the whole of Amazon, including the EC2/VPC services. Similar hosts existed for CIA purposes as well.

Around the time the "Govcloud" environment came online, Amazon scored its sweetheart contract with the CIA, and built them a facility in N. Virginia. At the same time, Amazon replaced much of its middle and upper management ranks with former government types with security clearances, and became deeply compartmentalized just like the federal government. Jeff Bezos was also a Bilderberger around this time.

Everything you host on AWS can be spied upon by the CIA and NSA as a trivial matter. Host accordingly."

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[–]DineLointHarpie 625 points  

This is wild. You should approach Glenn Greenwald with this. A wider audience needs to know about it.

[–]IndomitableServant[S] 458 points  

I have, I suspect that I was lost in the noise or they simply didn't believe me. I reached out to Wikileaks and Infowars to with no response.

[–]OhhNoThatSucksDTOM 268 points  

Try DMing @adamcurry and @THErealDVORAK on twitter. They do a podcast called No Agenda and this is right up their alley. They don't have the reach of JA or AJ but it's something.

[–]JamieRoy 93 points  

I was just about to say this. And they do still have contacts if you believe what they say (which I do)

[–]GoodWillPower 28 points  

Greatest podcast in the Universe.

[–]OhhNoThatSucksDTOM 20 points  

Mandela effect.

The best* podcast in the universe!

[–]GoodWillPower 11 points  

Make Podcasts Best Again!!

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[–]gamerclick1776 15 points  

No Agenda is great. Love them!

[–]Machiknight 9 points  

Or better yet EMAIL them - adam@curry.com

[–]GoodWillPower 3 points  

That's adam@curry.com

[–]bromley2DTOM 4 points  

my wife is always looking for podcasts. How do i describe this one to her?.

[–]GoodWillPower 9 points  

It is a podcast that is purely dedicated to the deconstruction of main stream media by two very analytical, experienced, charismatic and hilarious Podcasters.

One used to be an MTV host wayyyy back in the day and was also one of the OG Podcasters - aptly named the Podfather. The other is very dry and hosts(ed?) a podcast called Tech Grump - aptly named Buzzkill. They make a great duo and though the podcast is 3 hours long I find myself refreshing my feed on Sundays and Thursdays often until it finally loads up.

[–]Mdri1890 3 points  

"in the morning!!"

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[–]wegottagetback 111 points  

This is crazy... and there aren't journalists to cover it. Back in the day, they'd be dying to get a scoop like this.

[–]kkostas03DTOM 42 points  

Sadly doing this kind of journalism these days can easily get you a scoop alright, a scoop of your brain all over the wall, Breitbart and many others got one of them scoops and the whole industry taped its mouth shut since then

[–]truthforchangeKEK 11 points  

You mean like this?

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[–]negative-effectTX 40 points  

Sara Carter too.

[–]ontothefutureDC 35 points  

Did you tweet it to Assange/WL?

[–]AustinisfullgohomeUSA 22 points  

Have you tried u/PleadingtheYiff?

[–]MassIncarceration 3 points  

The Nelly of our time.

[–]advocates4sanity 48 points  

Yo Fam,

I worked there as well. We probably know each other. In fact, we do, I am certain of it. Pretty tight knit crew back in those days. We all hung out together. Saw the same sights. Rattlesnakes in Perdixes, yes? Drunken hijinks at the Desert River Inn?

I have one of those jackets too. Mossy Oak camo.

To all reading this story, I CAN CONFIRM EVERY LAST FUCKING WORD.

NSA hosts were unambiguously named like "nsa-data-collector-2001.pdx2.amazon.com". Aboard them were tools for terminating VPNs and hopping aboard as root on each and every server in the whole of Amazon, including the EC2/VPC services. Similar hosts existed for CIA purposes as well.

Around the time the "Govcloud" environment came online, Amazon scored its sweetheart contract with the CIA, and built them a facility in N. Virginia. At the same time, Amazon replaced much of its middle and upper management ranks with former government types with security clearances, and became deeply compartmentalized just like the federal government. Jeff Bezos was also a Bilderberger around this time.

Everything you host on AWS can be spied upon by the CIA and NSA as a trivial matter. Host accordingly.

[–]therealdrg 11 points  

I probably wouldnt be posting about this on an open forum honestly, especially not reddit. I mean, I enjoy reading it, but youre probably still under NDA and if you had security clearance you are likely easily traceable even if you think you arent. Exposing this kind of shit is what gets you sent into exile in russia.

I'm glad you would be willing to talk about it but you gotta take steps to keep yourself safe, disseminate this info through someone else to minimize your chances of getting completely fucked.

[–]IndomitableServant[S] 15 points  

When freedom is at stake contracts don't matter.

[–]therealdrg 11 points  

Not getting locked in a duffel bag and shot in the back of the head kind of matters though. To most people at least.

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[–]DoxaTerraCOAL 18 points  

There are lots of good reasons to attach to local IP addresses. I hope you meant US IP addresses and not private non-routable.

[–]PleadingtheYiffDTOM 40 points  

I'm a journalist and would be happy to interview you, so long as you can provide a few details like proof of employment via a private channel.

[–]trump_it_upOR 15 points  

tweet at prez/vice prez/etc!!

[–]DaLaohuARMY 15 points  

AJ should be all over this. He's been calling out Jeff Bezos alot lately.

[–]Tenzen808USA 15 points  

I think that was the Amazon project that I was interviewed for. I'm a former SSO/Industrial Security Specialist. It was approximately 2010/2011 that I had my interviews.

That's kind of crazy. They claimed it was a quasi-government project, sounded a little questionable since Amazon isn't known for providing government contract work...at least in comparison to LM, Boeing, BAH, Raytheon, etc.

[–]cursedcassandra 9 points  

Bezos is the CIA. That's why their leaks come out in the AmazonWaPo. The NYT is used by the rest of the Deep State ie the State Department, DOJ and FBI.

[–]throwaway2676 12 points  

I don't guess you saved any proof or screenshots or anything, did you?

[–]mrshiddlestonCA 44 points  

Try Cernovich? Prosobeic?

[–]ben85ben85 9 points  

Report it to Crowdsource the Truth with Jason Goodman. They will definitely respond.

[–]FatStig 15 points  

Try mike cernovich too.

[–]chris_apartment 6 points  

DM the major players of who you want to grt the story to through Twitter with a link to this post. Tell them that you are OP and they will confirm identity.

[–]j_fizzle 13 points  

I hate to be the paranoid one, but if they're in your router... who knows what they can intercept or if the message ever actually delivered?

I don't like Twitter, but have you tried reaching out through that platform?

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[–]MaxHubertKEK 20 points  

Our Sub has 6+ millions subscribers, we are a big audience.

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[–]IndomitableServant[S] 332 points  

I even made a post about this on /pol and was banned for it.

[–]Pickel_Weasel1776 209 points  

there are shills trying to suppress information on /pol, don't think about that one too much. Keep pushing to get the word out anywhere and everywhere. Wikileaks will definitely listen if you contact them enough, and you could even simply call in to infowars when he does a call-in segment. I bet he'll hear you out and then talk to you more off air